Using the baseline could be a formal method to compare your progress to the original schedule. For this reason there are a couple of things you should consider. Here our top 5 tips for baselining:
Tip 1: When you have an approved scope/time change, rebaseline the current baseline (BL) (this will be the latest baseline) and save baseline 2 (BL 2), in case you want to compare multiple baselines later.
Tip 2: Do not delete or move tasks, but reduce remaining work to ‘0’ and/or create a new task on the new location.
Tip 3: Be careful with drag & drop and indent/outdent as summary lines will deviate from the baseline.
Tip 4: When you add tasks to the baseline, also rebaseline the tasks that are affected by the added task, such as successors or summary tasks.
Tip 5: The 'To all summary tasks' option (roll up baseline) will also change baseline summary tasks. This might give a wrong image of the starting situation and is like rebaselining all the summary tasks.
Share your secret
Do you have another tip we can add to this list? Share it in the comments below so we can help each other.